Jennifer E. Woodward, PhD, is currently Vice Chancellor for Research Operations and professor of surgery and immunology at the University of Pittsburgh. As VC, Dr. Woodward provides leadership and strategic direction for the University’s research operations and oversees the Office of Research. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Woodward was associate vice provost for research operations, assistant dean for faculty affairs in the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and executive director for research and academic affairs at the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute. Dr. Woodward’s academic career began in physiology-based orthopaedic research and evolved to the field of transplantation immunology, where she explored the models and mechanisms of transplantation tolerance. Dr. Woodward’s teaching and mentoring have been multifaceted. From her breadth of experiences, Dr. Woodward has a strong understanding of the academic landscape and a long history and commitment to the professional development of faculty, staff, and students. She frequently is invited to present lectures and workshops for faculty and trainees on academic success, networking, and negotiation. Dr. Woodward earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Presbyterian College, a Master of Science degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and a PhD in microbiology and immunology from the Medical University of South Carolina.